
Descendent in variable rate mortgages: Because fixed rates remain favorable for the Real Estate Market

As variable rate mortgages decline, fixed-rate mortgages continue to offer more stability and predictability for homeowners. This article explores the reasons behind the appeal of fixed-rate mortgages and forecasts the timeline for recovery in the real estate market.


The High Rent Crisis for Italian Students

Italian students face significant challenges with high rents, particularly in major cities. This article explores the reasons behind inflated rental prices and various pragmatic solutions to alleviate students’ housing issues.


Mortgages: The decline in interest rates in Italy

The recent decline in mortgage interest rates in Italy has spurred a significant increase in housing demand. This article explores the effects of this trend on the national economy, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks for the construction industry.


Italy’s ‘Salva Casa 2024’ Decree: Amendments and his Impact on Housing

The recent amendments to the ‘Salva Casa 2024’ decree by the Italian government present significant changes aimed at addressing housing issues in Italy. We explore the advantages, merits, and potential shortcomings of these revisions and their broader implications on the construction industry and homeowners.
